First let me start off by saying if you get offended easlily, DO NOT GO AND SEE THIS MOVIE.
Although this was certainly one of the funniest movies Ive seen in awhile it was very offensive. Personally I took no offense to the movie but at times I did hear a few gasps and ahhhs when certain things were said.
The Dictator is a very hilarious movie though. The entire plot and scheme is just too funny to even get into because I'll just go on a rant and end up ruining the fun for those of you who have no seen it. But if you are in need of a good time and a laugh with some friends, GO AND SEE THIS MOVIE. They make several remarks to all groups of people though. So as a warning wether your gay, lesbian, black, white, asain, arabic, musslim, or whatever get ready because something will be said. But its a movie so suck it up and deal with it. The names arent directly aimed at you and chances are you'll laugh it off just like the rest of us. So get to a theatre, preverably NOT shitty Cortland and sit back and enjoy this funny film.
This definitely looks funny! I'll have to pick it up once it comes out on Blu-ray, since I don't have time to do much of anything right now. Thanks for the review.